How to Download SK RT - A Guide for Desa Administrators
If you are a desa administrator, you might have heard of SK RT or Surat Keputusan Rukun Tetangga. But what is it exactly and why do you need it? In this article, we will explain what SK RT is, how to create it, how to download it from online sources, and how to use it for your desa development. Read on to find out more.
download sk rt
What is SK RT and Why Do You Need It?
SK RT stands for Surat Keputusan Rukun Tetangga, which means Decision Letter of Neighborhood Association. It is a document that contains the official appointment and confirmation of the head of the neighborhood association (RT) and the head of the community association (RW) in a desa. A desa is a village or a rural administrative unit in Indonesia.
The legal basis and the purpose of SK RT are regulated by various laws and regulations, such as:
Undang-Undang Nomor 6 Tahun 2014 tentang Desa (Law Number 6 Year 2014 about Desa)
Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 43 Tahun 2014 tentang Peraturan Pelaksanaan Undang-Undang Nomor 6 Tahun 2014 tentang Desa (Government Regulation Number 43 Year 2014 about Implementation Regulation of Law Number 6 Year 2014 about Desa)
Peraturan Menteri Dalam Negeri Nomor 18 Tahun 2018 tentang Lembaga Kemasyarakatan dan Lembaga Adat Desa (Minister of Home Affairs Regulation Number 18 Year 2018 about Community Institutions and Customary Institutions in Desa)
Peraturan Daerah Kabupaten/Kota tentang Peraturan Pelaksanaan Peraturan Daerah tentang Susunan Organisasi dan Tata Kerja Pemerintah Desa dan Perangkat Desa (Regional Regulation of Regency/City about Implementation Regulation of Regional Regulation about Organization Structure and Work Procedure of Desa Government and Desa Apparatus)
Peraturan Bupati/Walikota tentang Pengelolaan Keuangan Desa (Regent/Mayor Regulation about Desa Financial Management)
The benefits of having SK RT for desa administration and development are:
It provides legal certainty and legitimacy for the head of RT and RW as representatives of the desa community
It facilitates the coordination and cooperation between the head of RT and RW with the desa government and other stakeholders
It supports the implementation of desa development programs that involve the participation and contribution of the desa community</li How to Create SK RT for Your Desa
To create SK RT for your desa, you need to follow these steps and meet these requirements:
Conduct a meeting or a deliberation with the desa community to elect or appoint the head of RT and RW
Prepare the draft of SK RT based on the format and template provided by the regency/city government or the desa government
Submit the draft of SK RT to the desa head for approval and signature
Register the SK RT to the sub-district office for validation and verification
Receive the SK RT from the sub-district office and distribute it to the head of RT and RW
Some examples of draft formats and templates for SK RT are:
Nomor : .../.../.../.../.../.../...Tanggal : ...SURAT KEPUTUSANKEPALA DESA ...NOMOR : ...TENTANGPENGANGKATAN DAN PENGESAHANKEPALA RUKUN TETANGGA DAN KEPALA RUKUN WARGADESA ...Dengan ini mengangkat dan mengesahkan:Nama : ...Jabatan : Kepala Rukun Tetangga (RT) ...Lingkungan : ...Rukun Warga (RW) : ...Nama : ...Jabatan : Kepala Rukun Warga (RW) ...Lingkungan : ...Demikian Surat Keputusan ini dibuat untuk dipergunakan sebagaimana mestinya.Kepala Desa ...,(...)
Nomor : 001/01/01/2023/001/001/001Tanggal : 1 Januari 2023SURAT KEPUTUSANKEPALA DESA BUDAYANOMOR : 001TENTANGPENGANGKATAN DAN PENGESAHANKEPALA RUKUN TETANGGA DAN KEPALA RUKUN WARGADESA BUDAYADengan ini mengangkat dan mengesahkan:Nama : Budi SantosoJabatan : Kepala Rukun Tetangga (RT) 01Lingkungan : Jati AsihRukun Warga (RW) : 01Nama : Siti RahayuJabatan : Kepala Rukun Warga (RW) 01Lingkungan : Jati AsihDemikian Surat Keputusan ini dibuat untuk dipergunakan sebagaimana mestinya.Kepala Desa Budaya,(Andi Pratama)
Some tips and best practices for creating SK RT are:
Ensure that the election or appointment of the head of RT and RW is conducted in a transparent, democratic, and participatory manner
Ensure that the draft of SK RT is accurate, complete, and consistent with the laws and regulations
Ensure that the approval, signature, validation, and verification of SK RT are done in a timely and proper manner</li How to Download SK RT from Online Sources
Another option to get SK RT for your desa is to download it from online sources. There are some advantages and disadvantages of downloading SK RT from online sources, such as:
- It is convenient and easy to access- It saves time and resources- It provides various formats and templates to choose from
- It may not be updated or accurate- It may not be compatible or compliant with the laws and regulations- It may pose security or privacy risks
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: This website provides a comprehensive collection of SK RT formats and templates for various desa in Indonesia. You can download SK RT for free or for a fee, depending on the quality and the customization of the document.
: This website provides a platform for desa administration and development. You can download SK RT as well as other documents related to desa governance, such as SK Kades, APBDes, RKPDes, and LPJDes. You can also access other features, such as desa news, desa forum, desa directory, and desa marketplace.
: This website provides a simple and easy way to download SK RT for your desa. You just need to fill in some information, such as the name of your desa, the number of RT and RW, and the name of the head of RT and RW. Then, you can download SK RT in PDF or Word format.
Some guidelines and precautions for downloading SK RT from online sources are:
Check the credibility and the reliability of the website before downloading SK RT
Compare and verify the downloaded SK RT with the official sources or the desa government
Protect your personal and confidential information when downloading SK RT
How to Use SK RT for Your Desa Development
After you have downloaded SK RT for your desa, you can use it for your desa development. SK RT is not only a document, but also a tool for planning and implementing desa development programs. Here are some ways to use SK RT for your desa development:
Use SK RT as a reference or a basis for formulating the vision, mission, goals, and strategies of your desa development
Use SK RT as a guide or a framework for designing and executing desa development programs, such as infrastructure, education, health, economy, social, culture, and environment
Use SK RT as a means or a mechanism for monitoring and evaluating the progress and the impact of your desa development programs
Some examples of desa development programs that use SK RT as a reference or a basis are:
Desa Wisata (Tourism Village): This program aims to develop the potential and the attractiveness of the desa as a tourism destination. It involves the participation and the empowerment of the desa community, especially the head of RT and RW, in managing and promoting the tourism activities and facilities in the desa.
Desa Mandiri Energi (Energy Independent Village): This program aims to provide access and utilization of renewable energy sources for the desa. It involves the collaboration and the innovation of the desa government, especially the head of RT and RW, in developing and operating the energy generation and distribution systems in the desa.
Desa Siaga (Alert Village): This program aims to improve the resilience and the preparedness of the desa in facing disasters and emergencies. It involves the education and the mobilization of the desa community, especially the head of RT and RW, in establishing and implementing the disaster management plans and actions in the desa.
Some suggestions and recommendations for using SK RT effectively and efficiently are:
Update and renew SK RT regularly according to the changes and the needs of your desa
Communicate and coordinate with the head of RT and RW frequently and consistently regarding your desa development programs
Appreciate and acknowledge the contribution and the achievement of the head of RT and RW in your desa development programs
In conclusion, downloading SK RT is an important and beneficial step for your desa administration and development. SK RT is a document that contains the official appointment and confirmation of the head of RT and RW in your desa. It provides legal certainty and legitimacy for them as representatives of your desa community. It also facilitates their coordination and cooperation with you as the desa government and other stakeholders. Moreover, it supports their implementation of your desa development programs that involve their participation and contribution.
To download SK RT, you can either create it yourself or download it from online sources. If you create it yourself, you need to follow some steps and meet some requirements. You also need to prepare some draft formats and templates for SK RT. If you download it from online sources, you need to consider some advantages and disadvantages. You also need to check some examples of websites that offer SK RT downloads. You also need to follow some guidelines and precautions for downloading SK RT.
After you have downloaded SK RT, you can use it for your desa development. You can use it as a reference or a basis for formulating, designing, executing, monitoring, and evaluating your desa development programs. You can also use it as a guide or a framework for collaborating and innovating with the head of RT and RW in developing your desa potential.
We hope that this article has helped you understand how to download SK RT for your desa administration and development. If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to contact us. Thank you for reading.
Here are some frequently asked questions related to downloading SK RT:
What is the difference between SK RT and SK Kades?
SK RT is Surat Keputusan Rukun Tetangga, which means Decision Letter of Neighborhood Association. It is a document that contains the official appointment and confirmation of the head of RT (Rukun Tetangga) and RW (Rukun Warga) in a desa. SK Kades is Surat Keputusan Kepala Desa, which means Decision Letter of Desa Head. It is a document that contains various decisions made by the desa head regarding various matters related to desa administration and development.
How long is SK RT valid?
The validity period of SK RT depends on various factors, such as the laws and regulations, the desa policy, the performance and the accountability of the head of RT and RW, and the changes and the needs of the desa community. Generally, SK RT is valid for a certain period of time, such as one year, two years, or five years. However, SK RT can also be revoked or renewed before or after the validity period expires.
How many RT and RW are there in a desa?
The number of RT and RW in a desa varies depending on the size and the population of the desa. There is no fixed or standard number of RT and RW in a desa. However, according to the Minister of Home Affairs Regulation Number 18 Year 2018, the minimum number of RT in a desa is three and the maximum number is 30. The minimum number of RW in a desa is one and the maximum number is 10.
How to download SK RT for free?
There are some websites that offer SK RT downloads for free, such as . However, you need to be careful and cautious when downloading SK RT from these websites. You need to check the credibility and the reliability of the website, compare and verify the downloaded SK RT with the official sources or the desa government, and protect your personal and confidential information when downloading SK RT.
How to customize SK RT for your desa?
If you want to customize SK RT for your desa, you can either edit the downloaded SK RT or create your own SK RT. If you edit the downloaded SK RT, you need to make sure that you follow the format and template provided by the regency/city government or the desa government. You also need to make sure that you update and renew the information and data in the SK RT according to your desa situation and condition. If you create your own SK RT, you need to follow some steps and meet some requirements as explained in this article. 44f88ac181